The District's fund equity (financial cushion, or reserves) has more than doubled in the past eight years, from $22,368,031 in 2005 to $46,943,263 in 2012.
Oct 24, 2011 · Ready Set Goal-General Fund Equity. Trades Related Consumables. 210,000. General Fund Equity. Donations CaJ:!Y9ver. 505,600. Special Revenue (21) ...
We made the decision 7 years ago or so to budget aggressively and try to manage to that budget believing that we would use less fund equity over time than if we ...
Oct 24, 2011 · General Fund Equity. Readv Set Goal-General Fund Equity. Ready Set Goal-General Fund Equity. General Fund Equi. Sp~cial Revenue 21 Fund Eaui.
Jul 29, 2013 · Debt Service Under Levy by Use of Fund Equity. (2,600,000). Community Service Under Levy by use of Fund Equity. (1,500,000). Tax Levy ...
TOTAL FUND EQUITY. 22,368,031. $. DESIGNATED EQUITY. -. Operating Reserve. (21,516,047). Reserve for Bassett Fund. (365,568). Reserve for TEACH Fund. > TEACH ...
Oct 22, 2011 · District spending remains largely flat at $369,394,753, yet "Fund Equity", or the District's reserves, has increased to $48,324,862 from ...
... '11 ~MThe total savings \0 be realize through the re-orgenizalion wllh the use of Fund Equity Is projected \0 be: ~ ~,. Benefits. 0.00. 3Z9,158.52. 3.00.
Nov 11, 2020 · Continued implementation of the District's Technology Plan Ignite! ▫ The District's operating fund's equity (General, Food Service, Capital ...
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