Television blaring, children sitting on the floor, staring blankly at Elmo, they looked abandoned. Teachers sat in the back on break, the smell of microwave ...
W hen Michelle Rhee was a teenager — long before anyone imagined she would ever spend her career trying to turn America's inner-city public schools into ...
Ms. Rhee is trying to reduce what she believes to be a bloated school management and wrest more control over the district's affairs from the powerful local ...
Oct 6, 2013 · Most education officials toil in obscurity. Rhee is a national celebrity. Some see her as an unflinching champion of US education reform and a ...
Monday is Michelle's last day as schools chancellor, and Mayor Fenty failed to win the Democratic primary last month. A new mayor will be elected next week.
D.C. Schools Chancellor Michelle A. Rhee said yesterday that the deteriorating economy will force the District to cut the wage proposal in its contract ...
Skip to the content. School Information System · RSS. Search. Michelle Rhee talks education issues. John King. Video. schoolinfosystem.org.
Jan 10, 2010 · There are smart people around town, and in the country (Rhee remains the most interesting story in U.S. education circles), who thought the D.C. ...
Dec 14, 2009 · Since taking over as Chancellor in 2007, Ms. Rhee has replaced ineffective principals, laid off instructors based on "quality, not by seniority" ...
D.C. Schools Chancellor Michelle A. Rhee garnered big local headlines and national attention July 23 when she announced that she had fired 241 teachers, ...