Membrane-limited structures derived from the plasma membrane or various intracellular membranes which function in storage, transport or metabolism.
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However, cytoplasmic vesicle-like structures containing anthocyanins ... cytoplasmic vesicle movement is rapid, random, and not altered by calcium ...
Cellular component - Cytoplasmic vesicle ... The cytoplasmic vesicles mediate vesicular transport among the organelles of secretory and endocytic systems. These ...
GO:0031410 JSON. cytoplasmic vesicle. Cellular Component. Definition (GO:0031410 GONUTS page). A vesicle found in the cytoplasm of a cell. Secondary IDs.
Keywords - Cytoplasmic vesicle (KW-0968) · Definition. Protein found in or associated with cytoplasmic vesicles, which mediate vesicular transport among the ...
Term: cytoplasmic vesicle. Synonyms: cytoplasmic membrane bounded vesicle | cytoplasmic, membrane-bounded vesicle | cytoplasmic membrane-enclosed vesicle.
Cytoplasmic Vesicle; Vesicle, Cytoplasmic; Vesicles, Cytoplasmic. Below are MeSH descriptors whose meaning is more general than "Cytoplasmic Vesicles". Anatomy ...
Cytoplasmic Vesicle; Vesicle, Cytoplasmic; Vesicles, Cytoplasmic. Below are MeSH descriptors whose meaning is more general than "Cytoplasmic Vesicles". Anatomy ...
... cytoplasmic vesicle transport. Studies of herpesvirus nuclear egress showed that, during infection, newly formed intranuclear capsids bud at the INM (Figure ...
Gene Ontology Term: cytoplasmic vesicle ; GO ID: GO:0031410 ; Aspect: Cellular Component ; Description: A vesicle found in the cytoplasm of a cell. ; Synonyms ...