Milwaukee voucher schools are improving, but challenges remain. Alan Borsuk:: I'm about to make such a politically touchy statement that I want to preface it ...
Notes and Commentary on the Milwaukee Voucher Program's first 30 years. September 27, 2021 Jim Zellmer · Alan Borsuk: It started out in Fall 1991 with 337 ...
There's been an increase in discussion recently regarding Milwaukee's Voucher Program largely around Amanda Poulson's recent article in the Christian Science ...
State / Local Milwaukee Voucher Funding Changes Sought. Alan Borsuk: Cheaper program, more cost. Odd as that sounds, it summarizes the situation of Milwaukee ...
Evers criticizes lawsuit seeking to end the Milwaukee voucher program. Molly Beck: Gov. Tony Evers says he opposes abolishing the state's oldest school ...
57 apply to operate new Milwaukee voucher schools. Alan Borsuk: In each recent year, the number of people saying they are opening voucher schools was similar ...
Mar 29, 2011 · Milwaukee Voucher School WKCE Headlines: "Students in Milwaukee voucher program didn't perform better in state tests", "Test results show ...
The result would mean upheaval for 29,000 children in Milwaukee's voucher program, 4,000 in Racine and 19,000 in the rest of the state. Judges call that a ...
Sep 2, 2012 · Does Milwaukee's Voucher Program Work or Not? http://www.wpri.org/blog/?p=2203. The Legislative Audit Bureau's (LAB) review of the final year ...
In addition, a University of Arkansas study on the Milwaukee voucher program estimates it saved Wisconsin taxpayers nearly $52 million in 2011 due to the ...