... charter schools. Stanford economist Caroline Hoxby recently found that poor urban children who attend a charter school from kindergarten through 8th grade ...
The study, led by Stanford University economics professor Caroline M. Hoxby, compared the progress of students who won a lottery to enroll in a charter school ...
The study, led by Stanford University economics Prof. Caroline Hoxby, is likely to fire up the movement to push states and school districts to expand charter ...
See Caroline Hoxby and Sonali Murarka, "Methods of Assessing the Achievement of Students in Charter Schools," in Charter Schools: Their Growth and Outcomes.
Caroline M. Hoxby, a Stanford economist, reported in September that charter school students are making much more progress than peers who sought entry to those ...
... charter schools and a 2009 study of New York City charter schools by Caroline Hoxby that showed how, on the whole, students enrolled in charter schools show ...
Sep 27, 2009 · Charter schools are not a panacea for our education problems. The recent study by Caroline Hoxby of Stanford University concludes that ...
finding in Hoxby's study of New York City charter schools, although the original report ... Hoxby's Finding of Charter School. Benefits,” (Economic Policy ...
Stanford University economist Caroline Hoxby released yesterday an update to her 2007 study of charter schools in New York City.1 In the study, she compares the ...
Dec 1, 2010 · is that there are fewer charter slots in charter middle and high schools so students have no alternative but to ... Hoxby, C., S. Murarka ...