The model was based on how population changes shifted state, elite and popular behavior. Goldstone argued that, according to this Demographic-Structural Theory, ...
The house of cards known as the state budget is predictably collapsing. A Dane County judge heard arguments this week on the legality of a $200 million raid ...
K-12 Tax, Spending & Referendum Climate: The stock market downturn portends big losses for government pension funds—and billions in new obligations for ...
K-12 Tax, Spending and Referendum Climate: 8 million Americans slipped into poverty amid coronavirus pandemic, new study says. October 20, 2020 No Comments.
It was a life-changing decision to flee the city for more rural environs where Possin can spread out with twice the square footage of her condo, enjoy the lake ...
Oct 21, 2008 ˇ This ninth biennial fiscal report card examines the tax and spending decisions made by the governors since 2003. It uses statistical data to ...
K-12 Tax & $pending Climate: Madison has never put such a referendum on the ballot before,. Allison Garfield: The 2024 operating budget — which mostly goes ...
... jobs that remain – the City Council will tonight discuss whether to put an advisory referendum about trolleys on the spring ballot. Yikes! schoolinfosystem.org.
Dec 27, 2023 ˇ The Milwaukee Public Schools budget is over a BILlION dollars. $87M referendum was supported by voters in 2020. Fmr Board Pres, Bob Peterson ...
2020 referendum climate: Madison spends 1% of its budget on maintenance vs Milwaukee's 2%, according to the Districts CFO. Milwaukee serves 77,746 students ...