Quizás quisiste decir: patentes en provincia de liaoning
China - Año de versión: 1998 - Adoptado/a: 25 de septiembre de 1998 - Normas/Reglamentos - Patentes (Invenciones)
29/03/2019Invention patents per 10,000 population record 111.2 in Beijing; 29/03/2019Measures of Liaoning on Patent Awarding released. 07/12/2018Shandong ...
19 dic 2019 · Abstract: Objective To analyze the current situation of pharmaceutical patents in Liaoning Province with the background of increasing ...
Besides, there are fewer international patent applications for pharmaceutical patents in Liaoning Province. The problems in patent applications include the.
Reglamento sobre la protección de patentes en la provincia de Hubei (CN250); Reglamento sobre la protección de patentes en la provincia de Liaoning (CN252) ...
12 nov 2020 · The number of invention patent applications on the Chinese mainland exceeded 1.23 million during the first 10 months of 2020.
In 2017, SIPO granted 420,000 invention patents, up by 3.9% year-on-year, of which 327,000 were granted to domestic applicants, accounting for 77.9% of. 2017 ...
8 dic 2020 · ... Patent Fair, which was held on Nov 11 in Dalian, Northeast China's Liaoning province. China's total amount of intellectual property pledge ...
The patent applications of Guangdong, Shanghai and Liaoning provinces and municipalities were 20 852,. 15 333 and 10 726 respectively, accounting for 7.1%, 5.3% ...
The results show that the provinces in the eastern region of China, such as Jiangsu, Guangdong, Beijing, Shanghai, and Liaoning, top the list for green patent ...