Telecommunication, often used in its plural form or abbreviated as telecom, is the transmission of information with an immediacy comparable to face-to-face ...
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Telecommunication, often used in its plural form or abbreviated as telecom, is the transmission of information with an immediacy comparable to face-to-face communication. As such, slow communications technologies like postal mail and pneumatic... Wikipedia
Telecommunications, also known as telecom, is the exchange of information over large distances. It's a broad term that includes various sectors, but all include ...
Telecommunications is the electronic exchange of any type of data over a variety of information transmitting technologies and systems. Learn more here.
Telecommunication, science and practice of transmitting information by electromagnetic means. Modern telecommunication centers on the problems involved in ...
The Bureau develops and recommends policy goals, objectives, programs, and plans for the Commission on matters concerning wireless communications and ...
The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) advances high-speed networks and next-generation Information and Communications Technology (ICT) ...
Telecommunications. Telecommunications networks are vital infrastructure for consumers and organizations worldwide. The pace of innovation and development ...
NTIA is the Executive Branch agency that is principally responsible for advising the President on telecommunications and information policy issues. NTIA's ...
The telecommunications sector consists of three basic sub-sectors: telecom equipment (the largest), telecom services (next largest), and wireless communication.