Gonzalo Lira, the well-known Chilean-American YouTube personality, has been in the news lately. A former “lifestyle” coach, Lira re-branded himself as a ...
Kiev was offered a peace deal long ago, but chose war instead, egged on by its Western backers. Now its fate is sealed.
Jul 14, 2023 · watching helplessly as his nation and people are being sacrificed on behalf of a dysfunctional NATO alliance that proclaims its mission as ...
Nuland had sought a meeting with the ousted president, Bazoum, as well as the leader of the new military government, General Tchiani. She was denied both, and ...
July 18, 2023: Information Clearing House -- As a former intelligence officer, I've been wondering why has no one done an investigation about Volodymyr Zelensky ...
Nov 13, 2022 · One has to question who is the power seeking to turn this into a nuclear conflict. Because I don't think it's Russia.”
... Scott Ritter, a former US intelligence officer and UN weapons inspector. On Wednesday, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky claimed in a post on X ...
While the official purpose of the visit was business (I was promoting my book, Disarmament Race, which has been published in the Russian language by the ...
Question Everything! Click Here To Support Information Clearing House. Who Killed Prigozhin? With Ray McGovern, Scott Ritter, Larry Johnson. August ...
Two facts of life mitigate solutions. Most Americans are brainwashed to equate absolutely everything with whether they vote for Democrats or Republicans. That ...