Ottawa Chief Pontiac from www.britannica.com
Pontiac was an Ottawa Indian chief who became a great intertribal leader when he organized a combined resistance—known as Pontiac's War (1763–64)—to British ...
Ottawa Chief Pontiac from detroithistorical.org
The Odawa (Ottawa) chief called Pontiac was known in his village as Obwandiyag. He was likely born about 1720 somewhere along the Detroit River.


War chief
Pontiac or Obwaandi'eyaag was an Odawa war chief known for his role in the war named for him, from 1763 to 1766 leading Native Americans in an armed struggle against the British in the Great Lakes region due to, among other reasons,... Wikipedia
Born: 1720, Great Lakes region
Died: April 20, 1769 (age 49 years), Cahokia, Cahokia Heights, IL
Known for: Pontiac's War
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Ottawa Chief Pontiac from en.wikipedia.org
Pontiac or Obwaandi'eyaag (c. 1714/20 – April 20, 1769) was an Odawa war chief known for his role in the war named for him, from 1763 to 1766 leading Native ...
Ottawa Chief Pontiac from www.battlefields.org
Though his origins are shrouded by mystery due to little documentation, the Ottawa chief Pontiac became one of the most romanticized Native American figures ...
Ottawa Chief Pontiac from apps.lib.umich.edu
Obwandiyag (aka Pontiac) ... Pontiac was a Ottawa war chief who led one of many Native American struggles against British military occupation, in particular in ...
Pontiac was an Odawa (Ottawa) Chief who organized a multi-tribe resistance, later known as Pontiac's War, against the British in the Great Lakes area. Early ...
Ottawa Chief Pontiac from www.biographi.ca
Kinonchamek, the son of a highly respected Ojibwa chief, blamed Pontiac for having violated the rules of war, to which charge the Ottawa chief gave no reply.
Feb 9, 2010 ˇ Pontiac's Rebellion begins when a confederacy of Native warriors under Ottawa chief Pontiac attacks the British force at Detroit.
Ottawa Chief Pontiac from www.legendsofamerica.com
Chief Pontiac, called Obwandiyag by his people, was a great leader of the Ottawa tribe and became famous for organizing Pontiac's Rebellion (1763–1766).
Sep 6, 2023 ˇ An Ottawa Indian chief, Pontiac headed a general Indian uprising in 1763 known as Pontiac's War, remembered for the attack on the British at ...