Thomas Mckean from en.wikipedia.org
Thomas McKean was an American lawyer, politician, and Founding Father. During the American Revolution, he was a Delaware delegate to the Continental ...
Thomas McKean

Thomas McKean

Former President of the Continental Congress
Thomas McKean was an American lawyer, politician, and Founding Father. During the American Revolution, he was a Delaware delegate to the Continental Congress in Philadelphia, where he signed the Continental Association, the Declaration of... Wikipedia
Born: March 19, 1734, New London Township, PA
Died: June 24, 1817 (age 83 years), Philadelphia, PA
Education: Middle Temple
Spouse: Sarah Armitage (m. 1774) and Mary Borden (m. 1763)

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Mar 19, 2023 ˇ Thomas McKean was a President before George Washington and supported judicial review before John Marshall. But today, McKean is mostly ...
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In 1789 he played a role in amending the constitution of Pennsylvania. He was elected Governor of Pennsylvania on the Federalist ticket in 1799. Political ...