lysmata site:wetwebmedia.com from www.wetwebmedia.com
Cleaner Shrimp Question Bob, Can you tell me a positive way to tell the Indo-Pacific Cleaner Shrimps from the Atlantic variety? <Of the genus Lysmata? Yes...
lysmata site:wetwebmedia.com from www.wetwebmedia.com
Lysmata debelius Bruce 1983, the Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp, Blood Shrimp. Found in the Indo-Pacific; Maldives, Japan to the Society Islands. Best kept in pairs.
There are two species usually referred to as striped cleaner shrimp, the L. amboinensis with white spots at the end of the tail and, from the Atlantic, the L.
lysmata site:wetwebmedia.com from www.wetwebmedia.com
BTW, for coldwater marine aquarists, there is occasionally offered a sixth cleaner species hailing from California (Lysmata (Hippolysmata) californica); often ...
lysmata site:wetwebmedia.com from www.wetwebmedia.com
Size is approximate because it was an old custom tank I found. Dimensions are 40" long, 14" high, 10" thick. Initially had two damsels and about 10 lbs. of live ...
lysmata site:wetwebmedia.com from www.wetwebmedia.com
... Lysmata called "How to train and raise peppermint shrimp" by Jill Kirkendall. ... Lysmata amboinensis are hermaphrodites and two of them will usually mate.
lysmata site:wetwebmedia.com from www.wetwebmedia.com
<Their care is very similar to other Lysmata species. Although they have been known to attack other ornamental shrimp, I believe this occurrence would be rare.>
lysmata site:wetwebmedia.com from wetwebmedia.com
Lysmata amboinensis comp., sys. 11/16/06 Hi WWM crew <Hello, Michelle here> Can I have 2 Lysmata amboinensis in a 30 gallon tank with ample live rock and ...
lysmata site:wetwebmedia.com from www.wetwebmedia.com
<Shrimp eat decaying material- it's what they do.> I don't want an ammonia problem to start because of unfound decaying fish and while moving rocks to find ...