May 19, 2007 · Transcript of the Truther-pandering exchange: Student: …we've heard that you have questioned the government's official account. Paul: Well, I ...
Sep 11, 2006 · The above phrase in Arabic is “lan astaslem.” It means “I will not surrender/I will not submit.” (Thanks to Rusty, Laura, and Daveed for ...
Jul 20, 2012 · Today's column provides another primer for the amnesia-wracked blamestream media on just how widespread the Blame Righty meme has been over the ...
Feb 17, 2010 · While national security deputy John Brennan's comments downplaying the seriousness of Gitmo jihadi recidivism earned most of the headlines ...
Nov 25, 2008 · Big John is a Vietnam veteran and VFW leader who works tirelessly on charitable efforts for our troops. Last year, my family and I attended his ...
May 23, 2009 · President Barack Obama saluted veterans and urged his countrymen to do the same this Memorial Day weekend, saying the nation has not always ...
Sep 12, 2011 · Koward Krugman gripes about partisan hijackers, while dashing off his own petty, partisan snipes. His 181-word turd demonstrates perfectly the ...
Jul 16, 2008 · In all the brouhaha over the New Yorker's satirical cover cartoon of Barack and Michelle Obama, a truly “tasteless and offensive” passage in the ...
Sep 26, 2007 · The report said of Iran training al Qaeda that “In late 1991 or 1992, discussions in Sudan between al Qaeda and Iranian operatives led to an ...
Here we go again. Over the weekend, the professional grievance-mongers and apologists for jihad recycled the old myth of an “anti-Islam backlash” in the U.S. in ...