McGarvey: Act 18:8 - --8. ... The genuineness, authenticity, and canonical authority of this book were never called in question within the ancient Church.
Changed, transposed. First aorist active indicative, did change. Tribute to Paul' s powers as a preacher borne out by Luke' s record in Act 19:10. There may be ...
First aorist passive indicative of sumphōneō (to voice together, symphony), impersonal with dative; It was agreed together by you (or for you). "Your souls were ...
... Book. 1:7 Fearing the Lord is the beginning of moral knowledge,. but fools despise wisdom and instruction. 1:8 ... with overbearing ...
8:8 the birds in the sky, the fish in the sea. and everything that moves ... ” This reading, quoted in the Greek text of the NT in Rev 2:27; 12:5; 19:15 ...
Analytical lexicon of the Greek New Testament, Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books. ... 1882. 514 Van Neste, Hal. 2343. 515 MacArthur, Hal. 1882. 516 Mounce, Hal ...
... Greek New Testament, Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books. 2000. Lihat kata ... 1882. 514 Van Neste, Hal. 2343. 515 MacArthur, Hal. 1882. 516 Mounce, Hal. 601 ...
Analytical lexicon of the Greek New Testament. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books. 2000. ... 1882. 514 Van Neste, Hal. 2343. 515 MacArthur, Hal. 1882. 516 ...
In Cana of Galilee ( en Kana tēs Galilaias ). This town, the home of Nathanael (Joh 21:2), is only mentioned again in Joh 4:46 as the home of the nobleman.
Arichea, D. C., & Hatton, H. A handbook on Paul's letters to Timothy and to Titus. New York: United Bible Societies. 1995. ... Enns, Paul. The Moody Handbook of ...