Greek form for the Aramaic (Chaldaic) Cēphās , the nickname given Simon by Jesus when he first saw him (Joh 1:42) and reaffirmed in the Greek form on his great ...
Wesley: Luk 1:20 - Thou shalt be dumb The Greek word signifies deaf, as well as dumb: and it seems plain, that he was as unable to hear, as he was to speak ...
"One solitary convert, a woman, and she already a seeker after God, and a native of that very Asia where they had been forbidden to preach"(Furneaux). But a new ...
Our Lord has purchased joy, as well as righteousness, for us. It is the very design of the gospel that, being saved from guilt, we should be happy in the love ...
"Trespasses"is a mistranslation made common by the Church of England Prayer Book. It is correct in Rom 4:14 in Christ' s argument about prayer, but it is not in ...
The same three Greek words occur for miracles of Jesus (Act 2:22; Heb 2:4); showing that as the Egyptian magicians imitated Moses (2Ti 3:1-8), so Antichrist ...
JFB: 2Th 1:7 - with his mighty angels Rather as the Greek, "with the angels of His might," or "power," that is, the angels who are the ministers by whom He ...
1:3 To receive moral instruction in skillful living,. in righteousness, justice, and equity.
Amminadab A son of Ram; the father of Nahshon and an ancestor of Jesus,son of Ram (Judah); father of Nahshon, Moses' deputy over Judah,son of Kohath son of ...
Imperfect middle indicative of paratēreō , common verb in late Greek for watching beside ( para ) or insidiously or on the sly as in Luk 6:7, they kept on ...