Showing results for greek:martian AND book:46 site:alkitab.sabda.org
Ethical dative. Nothing in common between the demon and Jesus. Note "we."The man speaks for the demon and himself, double personality. The recognition of Jesus ...
"Trespasses"is a mistranslation made common by the Church of England Prayer Book. It is correct in Rom 4:14 in Christ' s argument about prayer, but it is not in ...
Here Jesus turns one of the elemental human instincts to spiritual use. There is in all men hunger for food, for love, for God. It is passionate hunger and ...
Amminadab A son of Ram; the father of Nahshon and an ancestor of Jesus,son of Ram (Judah); father of Nahshon, Moses' deputy over Judah,son of Kohath son of ...
The Son of man shall be betrayed - Or, will be delivered up. This is the third time that our Lord informed his disciples of his approaching sufferings and death ...
The astonishing power with which God has endued the vegetable creation to multiply its different species, may be instanced in the seed of the elm. This tree ...
"Ares" was the Greek god of war, corresponding to "Mars" in Rome. Defender ... 46:5, Isa 46:6; Jer 10:4-10. TSK: Act 17:30 - the times // but the times ...
The earthly-minded. The Church becomes the harlot: the world's political power, the Antichristian beast; the world's wisdom and civilization, the false prophet.
First aorist passive indicative of sumphōneō (to voice together, symphony), impersonal with dative; It was agreed together by you (or for you). "Your souls were ...
... Greek elitists such as the men who heard his sermon on Mars Hill. {Ac 17:1-34} They talked about life after death as a necessary evil by which they could ...