9:19 For since I am free from all I can make myself a slave to all, in order to gain even more people. 9:20 To the Jews I became like a Jew to gain the Jews. To ...
Under guardians ( hupo epitropous ). Old word from epitrepō , to commit, to intrust. So either an overseer (Mat 20:8) or one in charge of children as here.
McGarvey: Act 18:8 - --8. ... The genuineness, authenticity, and canonical authority of this book were never called in question within the ancient Church.
” The word “people” is not in the Greek text, but is implied. It has been ... nomon, “under the law”]), or intentionally by overscrupulous scribes who ...
... nomon ). Instead of "under the flesh"as one might expect. See Gal 3:2-6 ... 8 come from the same root in Greek. NET Notes: Gal 5:9 Grk “A little leaven ...
Hukum rajawi – Frase nomon basilikon berarti hukum rajawi. Sangat jelas bahwa ... Greek New Testament. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books. 2000. Kittel, G ...
... nomon). Tidak ada pertentangan karena fungsinya Hukum Taurat adalah untuk ... 8:60 Maz 86:10 Yes 42:8 ... Allah yang Berpribadi. Pribadi Allah. Allah itu ...
Mereka juga disebut aphōrismenoi eis ton nomon. Seperti itulah Paulus dulu. Tetapi sekarang ia mengubah apa yang dipelajarinya.
Dua peristiwa ini, kelahiranNya dan kebangkitanNya juga disebut di dalam II Timotius 2:8, di mana Injil Kristus dibicarakan. Pada kebangkitanNya, Tuhan Yesus ...
Analytical lexicon of the Greek New Testament. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books. 2000. Gathercole, Simon, J. Galatians, ESV Study Bible, Crossway Bibles ...