Kemudian Firaun memanggil Musa dan Harun serta berkata: "Berdoalah kepada TUHAN, supaya dijauhkan-Nya katak-katak itu dari padaku dan dari pada rakyatku; maka ...
There is dormant potency of destruction in the God who reveals Himself as gracious. The wrath of the Lamb' is as real as His gentleness. The Gospel is the ...
Abdon a town of Asher east. of Achzib, given to the Gershonite Levites,a man who was the eleventh judge of Israel,the son of Shashak of Benjamin,son of ...
Bilangan 17:8 ; HEBREW. Mydqs <08247>. lmgyw <01580>. Uyu <06731>. Uuyw <06692>. xrp <06525>. auyw <03318>. ywl <03878>. tybl <01004>. Nrha <0175>. hjm <04294>.
<0175> <01121>. harus mengatur <06186>. potongan-potongan korban <05409>. itu ... itu. [<0853> <0853> <05921>]. HEBREW. xbzmh <04196>. le <05921>. rsa <0834>.
<0175>. memasang <05927>. lampu-lampu <05216>. itu pada <0996>. waktu senja ... HEBREW. Mkytrdl <01755>. hwhy <03068>. ynpl <06440>. dymt <08548>. trjq <07004>.
It speaks promised goodness, goodness and truth put together, goodness engaged by promise. 5thly, He keepeth mercy for thousands. This speaks, Mercy extended to ...
that he should sanctify the most holy things, he and his sons for ever; by an holy use of them, and keeping them from all unholy and profane uses; and this they ...
That flesh or herbs or other food which is dressed in water, in a vessel so polluted, shall be unclean; not so, if it be food which is eaten dry, as bread, or ...
<0175>. : Ulurkanlah <05186>. tongkatmu <04294>. dan pukulkanlah <05221>. itu ke ... HEBREW. Myrum <04714>. Ura <0776>. lkb <03605>. Mnkl <03654>. hyhw <01961>.