The astonishing power with which God has endued the vegetable creation to multiply its different species, may be instanced in the seed of the elm. This tree ...
<02232>. itu dimakan <0398>. orang lain <0312>. , dan segala tumbuh ... HEBREW. wsrsy <08327>. yauauw <06631>. lkay <0398>. rxaw <0312>. herza (31:8) <02232>.
Wesley: Isa 40:27 - What Why dost thou give way to such jealousies concerning thy God, of whose infinite power and wisdom, and goodness, there are such evident ...
Wesley: Isa 28:22 - For God hath assured me, that he will utterly destroy the people of Israel. God hath assured me, that he ...
<02232>. gandum <02406>. , tetapi yang dituai <07114>. adalah semak duri <06975> ... HEBREW. o. hwhy <03068>. Pa <0639>. Nwrxm <02740>. Mkytawbtm <08393>. wsbw
<02232>. di ladangmu <07704>. atau memanen <02168>. kebun anggurmu <03754> ... HEBREW. rmzt <02168>. al <03808>. Kmrkw <03754>. erzt <02232>. al <03808>. Kdv
Hebrew, "bone-breaker," rendered in the Septuagint "griffon," supposed to be the Gypœtos barbatus, the Lammer Geyer of the Swiss--a bird of the eagle or vulture ...
<02232>. biji dalam tanah <0776>. itu, maka pada setahun <08141>. itu juga ... HEBREW. hwhy <03068>. whkrbyw <01288>. Myres <08180>. ham <03967>. awhh <01931>.
Geneva Bible: Zec 10:8 I will ( i ) hiss for them, and gather them; for I ... This book is in the Hebrew copies called "the Book of Zechariah"; in the ...
TB ITL ©. SABDAweb Yes 32:20. Berbahagialah <0835>. kamu yang boleh menabur <02232>. di <05921>. segala <03605>. tempat di mana terdapat air <04325>. , yang ...