Showing results for hebrew:date AND book:43 site:alkitab.sabda.org
[1:3] sn The eleventh month is Shebat in the Hebrew calendar, January/February in the modern (Gregorian) calendar. ... Book of Deuteronomy but it appears ...
[8:1] sn In the sixth year, in the sixth month, on the fifth of the month would be September 17, 592 b.c. , about fourteen months after the initial vision.
“Horeb” occurs 9 times in the Book of Deuteronomy and “Sinai” only once (33:2). ... Hebrew calendar, January/February in the modern (Gregorian) calendar. [1:3] ...
[16:23] sn The Greek term Hades stands for the Hebrew concept of Sheol. It is what is called hell today. This is where the dead were gathered (Ps 16:10; 86:13).
... date of a.d. 33 for the crucifixion), or the Passover of winter/spring a.d. ... Hebrew and Aramaic “Messiah” mean “one who has been anointed”). [7:26] ...
They conclude that the use of שֶׁ in Ecclesiastes points to a late date for the book. However, as Samuel-Kings suggest, the שֶׁ versus אֲשֶׁר phenomena may simply be a ...
... date of a.d. 33 for the crucifixion), this would be the Passover of the spring of a.d. 30, the first of Jesus' public ministry. There is a clear reference ...
1:28 Then they will call to me, but I will not answer;. they will diligently seek me, but they will not find me. Amsal 2:9.
Yehezkiel 29:17-18 ... 29:17 In the twenty-seventh year, in the first month, on the first day of the month, the word of the Lord came to me: 29:18 “Son of man, ...
At least two earlier forms of the book are known that date roughly to the period dealt with here (Compare 36:1 with 25:1 and see 36:2, 4 and 36:28, 32). Whether ...