20 Now may the God of peace who by the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead the great shepherd of the sheep , our Lord Jesus , 21 equip ...
2 My brothers and sisters , consider it nothing but joy when you fall into all sorts of trials , 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces ...
4 There is one body and one Spirit , just as you too were called to the one hope of your calling , 5 one Lord , one faith , one baptism , 6 one God and Father ...
Breaking Human Traditions · 17 Now when Jesus had left the crowd and entered the house , his disciples asked him about the parable . · He said to them , “ Are you ...
Let all the nations worship you. 28 For the Lord is king. and ... 6:13). 2. God as provider 23:5. In this verse David described God as a host ...
5 For we know that if our earthly house , the tent we live in, is dismantled , we have a building from God , a house not built by human hands , that is eternal ...
6:13; 12:1-2). When Paul preached Christ to the unsaved, he presented Him as God who by virtue of His deity is sovereign over all people (cf. Rom. 10:9; 1 ...
An Introduction to The Book of Ecclesiastes by David Malick; Psalm 63: Seeking After God by Steven J. Cole; Conceptions of Davidic Hope in the Greek Psalter ...
Absolutely not ! But sin , so that it would be shown to be sin , produced death in me through what is good , so that through the commandment sin would become ...
Ahab rode toward Jezreel . 46 Now the Lord energized Elijah with power ; he tucked his robe into his belt and ran ahead of Ahab all the way to ...