6 Then the angel said to me , “ These words are reliable and true . The Lord , the God of the spirits of the prophets , has sent his angel to show his servants ...
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth . 2 Now the earth was without shape and empty , and darkness was over the surface of the watery ...
Then books were opened , and another book was opened —the book of life . So the dead were judged by what was written in the books , according to their deeds .
47 But if you do not believe what Moses wrote , how will you ... This book is must reading for every seminary student, pastor, and interested ...
“ This is the solemn pronouncement of the one who holds the seven spirits of God and the seven stars : 'I know your deeds , that you have a reputation that you ...
... 13 saying , “ This man is persuading people to worship God in a way ... Book. There was a problem completing your search. There was a problem ...
1 From Jude , a slave of Jesus Christ and brother of James , to those who are called , wrapped in the love of God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ .
“ This is the solemn pronouncement of the Son of God , the one who has eyes like a fiery flame and whose feet are like polished bronze : · 'I know your deeds: ...
Then books were opened , and another book was opened —the book of life . So the dead were judged by what was written in the books , according to their deeds .
A superficial reading of the book reveals a man who definitely has a negative viewpoint of life in its many facets. If indeed the book is a unity, composed ...