The division into two books goes back to the Greek translation of the OT and was probably initiated because of the cumbersome length of copies due to the Greek ...
(2) It may be taken as a summary statement of what the chapter will record, that is, vv. 3-31 are about God's creating the world as we know it. If the first ...
Jun 24, 2004 · The study will examine Paul's teaching on the Christian's relation to the civil authorities as outlined in Romans 13:1-7 and then compare that with 1 Peter 2: ...
Jesus Christ is called "the effulgence of the glory of God" in Hebrews 1:3. In other words, he is the revelation of God incarnate. This is not to deny God's ...
Romans 1:16-17, which concludes the salutation/introduction, best articulates the theme of the whole book: “the righteous revelation of God in the gospel.”
If Hofstadter's conclusions even approach the facts of history, there can be no doubt that Charles Darwin and his ideas concerning the mechanics of evolution ...
Aug 11, 2004 · The purpose of the present study is very modest. It seeks to present an interpretation of Peter's injunctions to the churches mentioned in 1 Peter 1:1 ...
But God in His graciousness provided justification through Jesus (3:26). Therefore, the only way to be justified in the eyes of God is by faith (3:28). To prove ...
Enoch, from the line of Seth, shows the upward spiritual trajectory that can happen when a family line remains true to God through godliness and faithfulness.
This chapter sets the historical setting of the entire book. Daniel and his friends are captive servants of a pagan world power of the Fertile Crescent. B ...