I am the Lord your God ; there is no other . My people will never again be put ...
The heavens and the earth shake . But the Lord is a refuge for his people ;.
Jul 8, 2013 · Gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land to the temple of the Lord your God, and cry out to the Lord. 1:15 How awful that day will ...
12 “Yet even now ,” the Lord says ,. “ return to me with all your heart —. with fasting , weeping , and mourning . 13 Tear your hearts ,.
15 How awful that day will be! For the day of the Lord is near ;. it will come as destruction from the Divine Destroyer . 16 Our food has been cut off ...
Date of the Book of Joel,” A Light unto My Path, 453-64. Re- lated to the question of date is a major exegetical issue: Is the army of chapter two to be ...
and what the yeleq-locust left the hasil-locust consumed! 1:5 Wake up, you drunkards, and weep! Wail, all you wine ...
“ Because Damascus has committed three crimes —. make that four ! —I will not revoke my. decree of judgment. They ripped through Gilead like ...
15 How awful that day will be! For the day of the Lord is near ;. it ... the yeleq -locust, the hasil -locust, and the gazam -locust—. my great army ...
I believe that among the many things we see in these early verses, we find that the Holy Spirit's ministry in Acts – a dominant theme in this book – is linked ...