16 Now when the Pharisees and Sadducees came to test Jesus, they asked him to show them a sign from heaven . 2 He said , “When evening comes you say ...
6 In the year of King Uzziah's death , I saw the Lord seated on a high , elevated throne . The hem of his robe filled the temple . 2 Seraphs stood over him; ...
5 I said , “ Woe to me! I am destroyed , for my lips are contaminated by sin , and I live among people whose lips are contaminated by sin . ... My eyes have seen ...
Pages on: Isaiah 6 ; Kitab Wahyu: Pendahuluan, Argumen dan Garisbesar, Daniel B. Wallace, 1 ; Lesson 2: The Preeminent Person of Prophecy (Revelation 1), Bob ...
Pages on: Matthew 16 ; Kitab Wahyu: Pendahuluan, Argumen dan Garisbesar, Daniel B. Wallace, 0.04 ; 9. Eschatology: End Times, Greg Herrick, 0.04 ; An Introduction ...
Kitab Wahyu: Pendahuluan, Argumen dan Garisbesar by Daniel B. Wallace; Lesson 15: Spiritual Adultery and Resolving Conflicts (James 4:4-6) by Steven J. Cole ...
We are talking about the Revelation of Jesus Christ. It is not something that is intended to totally mystify and baffle us. It is something, in the light of ...
Sebuah alur cerita Ilahi terajut dalam setiap helai benang alkitab yang beraneka ragam, kisah teragung tentang apa yang telah direncanakan Tuhan untuk ...
Yesaya 55:8-9 Sebab rancangan-Ku bukanlah rancanganmu, dan jalanmu ... Juga penting diperhatikan dalam ayat-ayat terakhir Kitab Wahyu, sebagai kitab ...
Mar 1, 2006 · Wahyu yang diberikan kepada Abraham ditulis untuk keuntungan dan petunjuk bagi kita (Rom 15:4; 2 Tim 3:16-17). Itu menjadi pusat harapan para ...