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It is the authority, power and dignity of our Lord Jesus that is described in His dress. Notice His head and His hair are white like wool. In the Old Testament, ...
Why is chapter 11:16 and 23 so significant to the exiles? 5. Describe the ... lalu dalam 1 Tim 2:14 di kelas.) Dan setelah saya pikirkan secara ...
Apr 20, 2005 · Ada yang takut akan masa lalu, cemas akan apa yang telah terjadi. Ada juga yang takut akan masa kini, kecemasan begitu melanda jiwa mereka dan ...
(Jeremiah 23:23-24). Where can I go to escape your spirit? Where can I flee to escape your presence? If I were to ascend to heaven, you would be there. If I ...
... 23:2). “Kemudian berfirmanlah TUHAN kepada Musa: Sesungguhnya ... Pengalaman masa lalu bisa mental atau fisik, tapi semua mimpi membenarkan kejadian lalu.
“Love is self-sacrificing,” just as “Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her” (Eph. 5:25). “Love is caring,” just as a man nourishes and cherishes ...
Book Study by a specific book · Author Study by a certain author · Topic Study ... 23). Personal discipline and the Holy Spirit work together to produce ...
Dia berkata: “Ya Bapa, ke dalam tangan-Mu Kuserahkan nyawa-Ku” (Luke 23:46). ... Pengalaman masa lalu bisa mental atau fisik, tapi semua mimpi membenarkan ...
May 27, 2008 · Mengetahui Kehendak Tuhan dengan Sempurna (Kol. 1:9). Tinjauan Garis Besar: I. Doktrin : Pribadi dan Karya Kristus (1:1-23). A ...
Mar 6, 2006 · Book Study by a specific book · Author Study by a certain author · Topic ... Lalu berserulah orang Israel kepada TUHAN, maka TUHAN ...