23 Whatever you are doing , work at it with enthusiasm , as to the Lord and not for people , 24 because you know that you will receive your ...
23 Whatever you are doing , work at it with enthusiasm , as to the Lord and not for people , 24 because you know that you will receive your inheritance from the ...
12 Therefore , as the elect of God , holy and dearly loved , clothe yourselves with a heart of mercy , kindness , humility , gentleness , and patience , 13 ...
23 Peace to the brothers and sisters , and love ... th chapter of the book of Revelation is a veritable battleground of conflicting interpretations.
23 Are they servants of Christ ? (I am talking like I am out of my mind !) I am even more so: with much greater labors , with far more imprisonments , with more ...
5 Therefore , be imitators of God as dearly loved children 2 and live in love , just as Christ also loved us and gave himself for us , a sacrificial and ...
23 Are they servants of Christ ? (I am talking like I am out of my mind !) I am even more so: with much greater labors , with far more imprisonments , with more ...
8 We are experiencing trouble on every side, but are not crushed; we are perplexed , but not driven to despair ; 9 we are persecuted , but not abandoned; we are ...
This book tells both his story and the story of GNJPM. Of special interest to me is the fact tha. Has Bible Prophecy Already Been Fulfilled? (Part One: The ...
5 For we know that if our earthly house , the tent we live in, is dismantled , we have a building from God , a house not built by human hands , that is ...