31 Jacob heard that Laban's sons were complaining , “ Jacob has taken everything that belonged to our father ! He has gotten rich at our father's expense !
The book focuses on the difficulties of the Israelites due to their lack of faith, rebellion, and apos- tasy. It also records God's protection of his people ...
Aug 24, 2004 · The story of Balaam in the Book of Numbers provides us with a case study of a false prophet. He is a false prophet who seeks to curse Israel, ...
Genesis 11:27–32 is such a passage. Yet a careful reading of the text, ob ... Mari was the capital of the Amorites. Amorites were spread far and wide ...
8 Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God moving about in the orchard at the breezy time of the day , and they hid from the Lord God among ...
31 When Judas had gone out , Jesus said , “ Now the Son of Man is glorified , and God is glorified in him . 32 If God is glorified in him , God will also ...
11 When we heard the news, we lost our courage , and no one could even breathe for fear of you. ... For the Lord your God is God in heaven above and on earth ...
32 The lifetime of Terah was 205 years , and he died in Haran . The ... Thus far in the Book of Genesis, the author has followed a pattern of ...
After Judah was consoled , he left for Timnah to visit his sheepshearers , along with his friend Hirah the Adullamite . 13 Tamar was told , “ Look , your father ...
There was a man in the land of Uz whose name was Job . And that man was blameless and upright , one who feared God and turned away from evil .