... nama, jer da su pripadali nama, ostali bi s nama. Ali to se dogodilo da na ... Ivanova] 3,3 Tko god je položio ovu nadu u njega, čisti se od grijeha ...
'Ime' se odnosi na Isusovo ime. Putujući misionari koji su bili poslani u borbu protiv lažnog učenja protivnika koji su se htjeli odvojiti nisu prihvaćali ništa ...
Oaths ought to foster truthful communication, but in reality they had become a façade for lying. The Jews said that if you swore using God's name in your oath, ...
44:1-3 This text is often used as a prophecy relating to modern Jerusalem, Israel. The modern city's wall has a sealed eastern gate, but these are not the walls ...
John 1:29-51. The section of the Gospel history above indicated, possesses the interest peculiar to the beginnings of all things that have grown to ...
Apr 7, 2008 · (4) Wanita-wanita yang mengikuti Yesus semuanya telah mengalami pertolongan mukjizat-Nya. Saya percaya bahwa Lukas menyebutkan nama tiga wanita ...
Mar 7, 2007 · 1 Samueli 27:1-3 "Hanyuma Dawidi yibwira mu mutima we, ati: nta kibuza, hariho umunsi Sauli azanyica; nta nama iruta ko nshikira mu gihugu cy' ...
Scripture tells us that both the fallen world in which we live and our enemy, Satan, influence us to live contrary to biblical principles. But another major ...
May 16, 2005 · Bagian Pertama Pelajaran Tentang Kata-Kata Pendahuluan Penelitian kata dalam Alkitab sangat diperlukan untuk suatu eksegesis yang akurat dan ...
Apr 19, 2005 · Teks yang paling luar biasa adalah Rev 22.19: “And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share ...