Articles On: Jonah ; 5. Jonah · Hampton Keathley IV, 06/18/2004 ; An Introduction to the Book of Jonah · David Malick, 06/14/2004 ; 3. Nineveh's Repentance and ...
They are rife with envy , murder , strife , deceit , hostility . They are gossips , 30 slanderers , haters of God , insolent , arrogant , boastful , contrivers ...
6 “A son naturally honors his father and a slave respects his master . If I am your father , where is my honor ? If I am your master , where is my respect ?
There was a man in the land of Uz whose name was Job . And that man was blameless and upright , one who feared God and turned away from evil .
1 The following is a record of what Amos prophesied . He was one of the herdsmen from Tekoa . These prophecies about Israel were revealed to him during the ...
Mar 2, 2006 · Dalam pasal 1 Yunus diperintahkan Tuhan pergi keNiniwe, disitu dia harus menangis karena besarnya dosa kota itu. Sebaliknya Yunus pergi ...
The Book of Obadiah by Imanuel Christian; Psalm 34: Enjoying God and His ... Pertobatan Niniwe dan Kemarahan Yunus (Yunus 3 & 4) by Bob Deffinbaugh ...
6 Therefore , just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord , continue to live your lives in him , 7 rooted and built up in him and firm in your faith just as you ...
39 In those days Mary got up and went hurriedly into the hill country , to a town of Judah , 40 and entered Zechariah's house and greeted Elizabeth .
Pertobatan Niniwe dan Kemarahan Yunus (Yunus 3 & 4) by Bob Deffinbaugh ... He is the author of a number of books, including Genesis 1-4: A Linguistic ...