An important city of the ancient province of Pamphylia, situated on the river Cestris, 12 miles Northeast of Attalia. According to Acts 13:13, Paul, Barnabas ...
search for verses that contains any of the search words. "fish bread" will search for verses that contains fish OR bread in minumum 1 bible version. without ...
18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ happened this way . While his mother Mary was engaged to Joseph , but before they came together , she was found to be pregnant ...
pergh Perge ; Definition: Perga = "earthy" 1) a town in Pamphylia, on the river Cestius, at a distance of 7 miles (10 km) from its mouth, and famous in antiquity ...
Perga then became an important city and the center of the Asiatic religion, of which the Artemis of Perga, locally known as Leto, was the goddess. Coins ...
Jul 6, 2004 · After having completed the work in Paphos the team of missionaries traveled northwest to the mainland and landed at Perga in the province of ...
sn Perga was a city in Pamphylia near the southern coast of Asia Minor. The journey from Paphos to Perga is about 105 mi (175 km). sn Pamphylia was a ...
Perga · 3 · B2 · Pergamum · 2 · B2 · Philadelphia · 2 · View Study Map in Google Maps View Full Scale Map. Study Maps copyright © ROHR Productions and NET Bible ...
Greek. Strongs #4099: pisidia Pisidia. Pisidia = "pitchy" 1) a region in Asia Minor bounded by Pamphylia, and the Pamphylian Sea, Phrygia, and Lycaonia ...