... Book of the Prophet Ezekiel, Chapters 25-48, 1983. Untuk data tekstual, lihat G. A. Cooke, A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Ezekiel ...
En réfléchissant aux bénédictions de Jacob, nous trouvons que chacune d'elles était liée au passé. Les bénédictions de Ruben, Siméon, et Levi, étaient basées ...
A Precious Word from God. I am the door. If anyone enters through me, he will be saved, and will come in and go out, and find pasture.
Book Study by a specific book · Author Study by a certain author · Topic Study ... 48; 2 Chr 6:24, 26, 37, 38; Neh 1:9; 9:26, 29, 35; Job 22 23; 36:10; Ps ...
Apr 20, 2005 · pada dasar yang murni teoritis, tidak biasa jika dua sumber mengenai Yesus, seperti Markus dan Q, tidak tumpang tindih. Lagi pula, mereka ...
Como est claro em Apocalipse 12:7 e muitas outras passagens, o lder destes anjos cados, ou demnios como eles so chamados tambm, Satans (cf. Mat. 12:25-27). Como ...
Jika orang tua mau mengajar anak-anak mereka menurut Alkitab, percaya itu adalah Firman Tuhan, maka mereka harus pula mengetahui dan menerima apa yang diajarkan ...
Book Study by a specific book · Author Study by a certain author · Topic Study ... 48; 12:35; Lucas 2:40; 4:2; 8:23; 9:58; Juan 4:6; 7:42; Apocalipsis 5:5 ...
What book or books of the Old Testament are covered in each division? (Suggested divisions: 2-16, 17-41, 42-44, 45, 46-47, 48-50, 51-53) Label each division.
Book Study by a specific book · Author Study by a certain author · Topic Study by a particular topic · Verse Study by a specific verse · Ministries Studies for ...