Sep 6, 2006 · It would seem that Paul's skillful use of the Greek language caught the commander completely off guard (pardon the pun), and set his mind at ...
This book is an abridged edition of a book published in 1929 under the title Experience with the Supernatural in Early Christian Times plus a chapter in ...
29 “Do not hold back offerings from your granaries or your vats . ... You must give me the firstborn of your sons . 30 You must also do this for your oxen and for ...
8 Who is a wise person ? Who knows the solution to a problem ? A person's wisdom brightens his appearance and softens his harsh countenance .
Isaiah used paronomasia (a pun) to make his contrasts more forceful and memorable. ... 29 to 35 of the Book of Isaiah. It traces the effects of the destruction of ...
29 So when God destroyed the cities of the region , God honored Abraham's request. He removed Lot from the midst of the destruction when he destroyed the cities ...
[1] Imagine living in a world of chaos, complete irrationality, and histrionics, a world where reason, history, and reality do not exist or no longer matter.
22 (21:37) “ If a man steals an ox or a sheep and kills it or sells it, he must pay back five head of cattle for the ox , and four sheep for the one sheep . · 2 ...
52 He went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus . 53 Then he took it down , wrapped it in a linen cloth , and placed it in a tomb cut out of the rock , ...
10 You people of Israel , listen to what the Lord has to say to you. 2 The Lord says : “Do not start following pagan religious practices .