17 Better is a dry crust of bread where there is quietness. than a house full of feasting with strife . 2 A servant who acts wisely will rule.
19 Better is a poor person who walks in his integrity. than one who is perverse in his speech and is a fool . 2 It is dangerous to have zeal without ...
3 Therefore , if you have been raised with Christ , keep seeking the things above , where Christ is , seated at the right hand of God .
Live like children of light — 9 for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness , righteousness , and truth — 10 trying to learn what is pleasing to the ...
16 Every shrewd person acts with knowledge ,. but a fool displays his folly .
Faith and Works Together · 15 If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacks daily food , · 16 and one of you says to them , “ Go in peace , keep warm and eat ...
16 When the wicked increase , transgression increases ,. but the righteous will see their downfall . 17 Discipline your child , and he will give you ...
16 These are the ones sown on rocky ground : As soon as they hear the word ... Book. Solid Underline.
16 A wise person is cautious and turns from evil ,. but a fool throws off restraint and is overconfident . 17 A person who has a quick temper ...
16 To Simon he gave the name Peter; 17 to James and his brother John , the sons of Zebedee , he gave the name Boanerges ( that is , “ sons of thunder”); 18 and ...