13 A wise son accepts his father's discipline ,. but a scoffer has never listened to rebuke . 2 From the fruit of his speech a person eats good things ,.
[54] The only sense in which God is responsible for sin is that He permits ... book-mark forward: this is reading unrelated to an attentive spirit.”[65].
4 There is one body and one Spirit , just as you too were called to the one hope of your calling , 5 one Lord , one faith , one baptism , 6 one God and Father ...
Introduction The book of Proverbs is one of only two OT books that are self-admittedly of composite authorship (the other is Psalms). The book contains ...
3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ ! By his great mercy he gave us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ ...
16 The intentions of the heart belong to a man ,. but the answer of the tongue comes from the Lord . 2 All a person's ways seem right in his own opinion ,.
20 Wine is a mocker and strong drink is a brawler ;. whoever goes astray by them is not wise . 2 The king's terrifying anger is like the roar of a lion ;.
5 When Jesus saw their faith , he said to the paralytic , “ Son , your sins are forgiven .” 6 Now some of the experts in the law were sitting there , turning ...
... book, especially those who sin with their tongues. If church members today ... 54:2): God's Ear And Our Petition by Michael E. Travers; Lesson 19: The ...
29 The one who stiffens his neck after numerous rebukes. will suddenly be destroyed without remedy . 2 When the righteous become numerous , the people ...