The one lies a little to the South of San`a'. According to tradition it was founded by Shammir, one of the Sabean kings, and for a long time served as the royal ...
search for verses that contains words that similar in spelling to the search words. "fish" will search verses that contain words which has similar spelling with ...
Their land goes from Mesha toward Sephar as far as the mountain ranges in the east. BBE ©. And their country was from Mesha, in the direction of Sephar, the ...
Sephar 1. In AV: Sephar 1. Count: 1. Definition: Sephar = "a numbering" 1) a place in southern Arabia. the same as 5610; Sephar, a place in Arabia:-Sephar.
Their dwelling place was from Mesha all the way to 1 Sephar in the eastern hills. NIV ©. The region where they lived stretched from Mesha towards Sephar, in the ...
search for verses that contains words that similar in spelling to the search words. "fish" will search verses that contain words which has similar spelling with ...
PARVAIM [SMITH]. (Oriental regions), the name of an unknown place or country whence the gold was procured for the decoration of Solomon?s temple. (2 ...
SEPARATE - sep'-a-rat: The translation of a number of Hebrew and Greek words, badhal (Lev 20:24, etc.), and aphorizo (Mt 25:32, etc.), being the most common.
30 Their dwelling place was from Mesha all the way to Sephar in the eastern hills . 31 These are the sons of Shem according to their families , according ...
The Hebrew word rendered "roll" or "volume" is meghillah, found in Ezra 6:2; Ps. 40:7; Jer. 36:2, 6, 23, 28, 29; Ezek. 2:9; 3:1-3; Zech. 5:1, 2. "Rolls" (Chald.