Jun 22, 2004 · Verses 21-40 focus on Simeon and Anna, who recognize the infant Jesus as Israel's promised Messiah, and who publicly praise God for this and proclaim this good ...
Aug 12, 2004 · Simon the magician was believed by some of the ancients to have been the founder of a very dangerous cult, one which dogged the heels of Christianity for a ...
Jun 29, 2004 · Numbers covers a period of time known as the wilderness wanderings which lasted 38 years, nine months and ten days.
The second son of Jacob by Leah (Gen. 29:33). He was associated with Levi in the terrible act of vengeance against Hamor and the Shechemites (34:25, 26). He was ...
Jan 17, 2014 · The letter claims to be from “Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ” (1:1) b. The writer claims to be the readers “fellow elder and witness of the sufferings of ...
Oct 12, 2009 · The Israelites in our text are the sons and daughters of those who successfully obeyed God and conquered the Promised Land under Joshua. They ...
Jan 17, 2014 · Peter urges his readers to supplement their faith with diligent growth because this will prevent them from experiencing spiritual loss and enable them to have ...
Jun 30, 2004 · At the beginning of the book, Judah teams up with Simeon, and they are victorious (1:3). When we come to Deborah and Barak, and the song of ...
Five year old Brian was impressed by the story of Simeon the Stylite, a Syrian hermit who lived in the 5th century. This man was admired as a saint because ...
... Simeon , and Benjamin . 5 The rest of Kohath's descendants were allotted 10 cities from the clans of the tribe of Ephraim , and from the tribe of Dan and ...