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Feb 28, 2006 · Book Study by a specific book · Author Study by a ... “Aku sungguh-sungguh bertobat, dan aku tahu bahwa Allah berbelas kasihan terhadapku.
This statement raises a couple of questions. First, does Jesus believe that the unnegated protasis is true (a prophet is without honor in his own hometown)? ...
The Preeminent theme of prophecy is the Person of Christ. When Luther comes to the Book of Revelation and he cannot see Him, that's a problem. When we come to ...
It is important to note that despite its overwhelming acceptance, many American Christians were unaware of Common Sense Realism as an actual philosophical ...
Lessin, pp. 55-56. Theological Word Book of the Old Testament, R. Laird Harris, editor, Gleason L. Archer and Jr. Bruce K. Waltke ...
Read Session 8: Spirit. Complete Biblical Exercise: John 15 and 16 beginning on page 55. Introduction. In his article “Who's Afraid of the Holy Spirit?” Daniel ...
Our question is a simple one: do gender sensitive translations distort Scripture in places where those who have concerns about such translations claim they do?
Didalam bukunya, Kamu dan Anak Mu, Charles R. Swindoll mempunyai suatu komentar sempurna mengenai sikap. Ia menulis,. Kita hadapi dengan sungguh-sungguh sikap ...
Apr 20, 2005 · “Apakah Yesus sungguh-sungguh dengan apa yang dikatakan-Nya tentang “meminta”? tanya Muller di dalam hatinya. Suatu hari ketika ia duduk di ...
Mar 2, 2006 · ... pada keenam bab sebelumnya. Kita bisa memperoleh pelajaran yang sangat berharga dalam bab ini jika kita mau mempelajarinya sungguh-sungguh.