21 I do not set aside God's grace , because if righteousness could come through the law , then Christ died for nothing ! NET Notes; Constable's ...
... 21 far above every rule and authority and power and dominion and every name that is named , not only in this age but also in the one to come . 22 And God ...
16 After Jesus was baptized , just as he was coming up out of the water , the heavens opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming to ...
21 Tell me , you who want to be under the law , do you not understand the law ? 22 For it is written that Abraham had two sons , one by the slave woman and ...
Confirmation from the Jerusalem Apostles ; not even Titus · with ; me , was compelled ; circumcised , although he was · Greek ...
25 Now there was a man in Jerusalem named Simeon who was righteous and devout , looking for the restoration of Israel , and the Holy Spirit was upon him . 26 It ...
7 When the Lord your God brings you to the land that you are going to occupy and forces out many nations before you— Hittites , Girgashites , Amorites ...
17 When they saw him , they worshiped him , but some doubted . · 18 Then Jesus came up and said to them , “ All authority in heaven and on earth has been given ...
Tiga dalam Satu by Richard L. Strauss; 6. Angelology: Angels by Greg ... John - Chapter 21 by Kenneth Boa; What Is Carnality? by admin; 12. The Call of ...
... 21 envying , murder , drunkenness , carousing , and similar things . I am warning you , as I had warned you before : Those who practice such things ...