Tuhan yang Mengatur by Lehman Strauss; Psalm 107: How To Get Help From God by ... Book. Solid Underline.
May God show us his favor and bless us. May he smile on us.
Psalm 67, Bob Utley, 1 ; An Introduction to The Book of Ecclesiastes, David Malick, 1 ; Psalm 36: Deceived by Sin or Delighted in God? Steven J. Cole, 1 ; Lesson ...
9 But the Lord God called to the man and said to him, “ Where are you?” 10 The man replied , “I heard you moving about in the orchard , and I was afraid because ...
10 This is the account of Shem . Shem was 100 years old when he became the father of Arphaxad , two years after the flood . 11 And after becoming the father ...
The Angel Gives a Message to Daniel ... 40 “At the time of the end the king of the south will attack him. Then the king of the north will storm against him with ...
“ O Lord , great and awesome God who is faithful to his covenant with those who love him and keep his commandments , 5 we have sinned ! We have done what is ...
20 I tell you the solemn truth , you will weep and wail , but the world will rejoice; you will be sad , but your sadness will turn into joy .
9 We know that since Christ has been raised from the dead , he is never going to die again ; death no longer has mastery over him . 10 For the death he died , ...
15 After these things the Lord 's message came to Abram in a vision : “ Fear not , Abram ! I am your shield and the one who will reward you in great ...