... 62) refer to Jesus' parousia, against claims made by R. T. France and. Jesus ... In Bart Ehrman's most recent book, Jesus, Interrupted, the subtitle ...
11 Then the Pharisees came and began to argue with Jesus , asking for a sign from heaven to test him . 12 Sighing deeply in his spirit he said , “ Why does this ...
17 Now as Jesus was starting out on his way , someone ran up to him, fell on his knees , and said , “ Good teacher , what must I do to inherit eternal life ?” ...
” 39 They said to him , “We are able .” Then Jesus said to them , “You will drink the cup I drink , and you will be baptized with the baptism I ...
Lesson 62: How to Fight for God (Ephesians 6:18-20) by Steven J. Cole; Creating and Multiplying Disciple-Making Churches by Greg Herrick; What is Church ...
Isaiah 62 by Bob Utley; 5. Humility by Kenneth Boa; Matthew 6 by Bob ... evangelical denomination reprinted a chapter from the book, What Would Jesus Say?
Psalm 62: God Only by Steven J. Cole; 9. Starting Over: Cultic ... Bible book or author and arranges them in an out. The Foundational Gifts Of ...
What changed because Jesus died? by Donald E. Curtis; Psalm 62: God Only by Steven J. Cole; Lesson 25: How To Be Good And Rich (1 Timothy 6:17-21) by Steven J ...
Jesus was going ahead of them , and they were amazed , but those who followed were afraid . He took the twelve aside again and began to tell them what was going ...
3 Remind them to be subject to rulers and authorities , to be obedient , to be ready for every good work . 2 They must not slander anyone, but be peaceable ...
Is the story of Jesus just a copy of myths about miraculous births and resurrections? Was Jesus a real, historical person? Are there historical...