' 9 But the voice replied a second time from heaven , ' What God has made clean , you must not consider ritually unclean !' 10 This happened three times , and ...
10 This went on for two years , so that all who lived in the province of Asia , both Jews and Greeks , heard the word of the Lord .
10 He became hungry and wanted to eat , but while they were preparing the meal, a trance came over him . · 11 He saw heaven opened and an object something like a ...
10 Jesus said , “ Bring some of the fish you have just now caught .” 11 So Simon Peter went aboard and pulled the net to shore . It was full of large fish , 153 ...
12 For just as the body is one and yet has many members , and all the members of the body —though many — are one body , so too is Christ .
10 The brothers sent Paul and Silas off to Berea at once , during the night . When they arrived , they went to the Jewish synagogue .
Cosgrove structures this book in 10 separate chapters, each. Leadership Of ... Craig Keener is the F. M. and Ada Thompson professor of biblical studies at Asbury ...
13 And he summoned ten of his slaves , gave them ten minas , and said to them , 'Do business with these until I come back .' 14 But his citizens hated him and ...
He was given ruling authority over every tribe , people , language , and nation , 8 and all those who live on the earth will worship the beast , everyone whose ...
8 First of all , I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you , because your faith is proclaimed throughout the whole world . 9 For God , whom I serve ...