It is important to note that despite its overwhelming acceptance, many American Christians were unaware of Common Sense Realism as an actual philosophical ...
Mar 31, 2006 · Book Study by a specific book · Author Study by a certain author · Topic ... Roma 8:38-39. Tuhan Kita Adalah Tuhan yang Kudus. 1. Baca Yesaya ...
... God has often used broken reeds to fell mighty oaks, so read on. To the believer--this one's for YOU! This is a book written to build up the family of God ...
Our question is a simple one: do gender sensitive translations distort Scripture in places where those who have concerns about such translations claim they do?
38. Introduction to the New Testament Church, Bob Deffinbaugh (PTSM, 8) ... The Chronological Story of God: Beginning Devotional - 12 Stories, Kurt Jarvis ...
Meskipun 1 Yohanes 5:11-12 ditujukan kepada orang-orang Kristen guna memberikan kepastian tentang keselamatan mereka berdasarkan kesaksian Firman Allah, ayat- ...
5:38 dan firman-Nya tidak menetap di dalam dirimu, sebab kamu tidak percaya ... Allahmu.” Cobaan ketiga dan yang terakhir adalah setan mendorong Yesus ...
(Cp. Gen. 41:46; Ul. 1:38; 10:8; 1 Sam. 16:21f.; 1 Raj 17:1; 18:15; 2 Raj 3 ... 9 Sebab itu haruslah kauketahui, bahwa TUHAN, Allahmu, Dialah Allah, Allah ...
Mar 31, 2006 · Bunyinya: 4 Beginilah firman TUHAN semesta alam, Allah Israel, kepada semua orang buangan yang diangkut ke dalam pembuangan dari Yerusalem ke ...
“Beginilah firman TUHAN, Penebusmu, Yang Mahakudus, Allah Israel: Akulah TUHAN, Allahmu ... Yoh 6:38 (NIV); cf. also Yoh 5:30. Yoh 4:32 (NIV). Yoh 4 ...