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(27). READING CYCLE THREE (see "Guide to Good Bible Reading ... ▣ "they say" There is a series of excuses and words found in the book of Ezekiel (cf.
... 27:27-31). In Psalm 2 it was predicted that kings and rulers and common peoples would unite in rejecting Christ. The fulfillment is recorded in Acts 4:27-28 ...
It is important to note that despite its overwhelming acceptance, many American Christians were unaware of Common Sense Realism as an actual philosophical ...
A Precious Word from God. “I am not praying only on their behalf, but also on behalf of those who believe in me through their testimony, that they will all ...
Mar 2, 2006 · Apapun juga yang kamu perbuat, perbuatlah dengan segenap hatimu seperti untuk Tuhan dan bukan untuk manusia. Kamu tahu, bahwa dari Tuhanlah kamu ...
Our question is a simple one: do gender sensitive translations distort Scripture in places where those who have concerns about such translations claim they do?
This is part 18 in a 20-part audio series on what the Bible says, done by Dr. Ken Boa. We will add a more detailed abstract for this audio when it is created.
However, the Spirit can't force us to grow. We must be active in our dependent faith. Foster notes, “God has given us the disciplines of the spiritual life as a ...
Apr 11, 2006 · Apabila kita telah sungguh-sungguh percaya kepada Kristus dan telah mengakui serta menerima karyaNya untuk keselamatan kita, apapun dan ...
Apr 20, 2005 · Episode Kedua - (27:5-17) - Ribka menyuruh Yakub menipu Isak. Ini merupakan suatu contoh yang sempurna tentang bagaimana Ribka memanipulasi ...