5 When Jesus saw their faith , he said to the paralytic , “ Son , your sins are forgiven .” 6 Now some of the experts in the law were sitting there , turning ...
... book to wonder if God is still working miracles today. He is. God can and ... Hukuman Kekal Bagi yang Terhilang by Lehman Strauss; Luke 4 by Bob Utley ...
Three divine calls to Samuel (3:3-9). D. A divine ... Alkitab: “Terang bagi jalanku …” by Greg Herrick; An Introduction to the Book of Jonah by David Malick ...
3 Now the serpent was shrewder than any of the wild animals that the Lord God had made . He said to the woman , “Is it really true that God said , 'You must ...
3 “To the angel of the church in Sardis write the following: “ This is the solemn pronouncement of the one who holds the seven spirits of God and the seven ...
12 Therefore , as the elect of God , holy and dearly loved , clothe yourselves with a heart of mercy , kindness , humility , gentleness , and patience ...
1 The following is a record of what Amos prophesied . He was one of the herdsmen from Tekoa . · 2 Amos said : · “The Lord comes roaring out of Zion ; · from ...
I wish you had become kings so that we could reign with you ! 9 For , I think , God has exhibited us apostles last of all, as men condemned to die , because we ...
2 Pet 1:16; 3:4). The almost casual exchange between “God” and “Christ” in this little book, and elsewhere in the NT, argues strongly for the deity of Christ ( ...
31 Then Jesus' mother and his brothers came . Standing outside , they sent word to him , to summon him .