18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ happened this way . While his mother Mary was engaged to Joseph , but before they came together , she was found to be pregnant ...
” 20 He confessed —he did not deny but confessed —“ I am not the Christ !” 21 So they asked him , “ Then who are you ? Are you Elijah ?” He said , “I ...
56 Yet they challenged and defied God Most High. and did not obey his commands . 57 They were unfaithful and acted as treacherously as ...
' 44 But I say to you , love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you , 45 so that you may be like your Father in heaven , since he causes the ...
45 Immediately Jesus made his disciples get into the boat and go on ahead to the other side , to Bethsaida , while he dispersed the crowd .
3 A psalm of David , written when he fled from his son Absalom . Lord , how numerous are my enemies ! Many attack me. 2 Many say about me ,.
14 “Do not let your hearts be distressed . You believe in God; believe also in me . 2 There are many dwelling places in my Father's house .
You load people down with burdens difficult to bear , yet you yourselves refuse to touch the burdens with even one of your fingers ! 47 Woe to you ! You build ...
5 Therefore , be imitators of God as dearly loved children 2 and live in love , just as Christ also loved us and gave himself for us , a sacrificial and ...
' If they persecuted me , they will also persecute you . If they obeyed my word , they will obey yours too . 21 But they will do all these things to you on ...