48 He saw them straining at the oars because the wind was against them . As the night was ending , he came to them walking on the sea , for he wanted to pass by ...
9 But the Lord God called to the man and said to him, “ Where are you?” 10 The man replied , “I heard you moving about in the orchard , and I was afraid because ...
15 “ I am the true vine and my Father is the gardener . 2 He takes away every branch that does not bear fruit in me . He prunes every branch that bears ...
Now that the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil ... Book of Genesis, serving as the organizing principle of the work. It is ...
Admonition to Follow Righteousness and Avoid Wickedness ... 4 Listen , children , to a father's instruction , ... and pay attention so that you may gain discernment ...
Believers' Salvation and the Work of God ; because his divine power ; Through these things · he has bestowed · us ; For this very reason ...
16 After Jesus was baptized , just as he was coming up out of the water , the heavens opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming to ...
11 Therefore remember that formerly you , the Gentiles in the flesh —who are called “ uncircumcision ” by the so-called “ circumcision ” that is performed ...
19 So then you are no longer foreigners and noncitizens , but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of God's household , 20 because you have been ...
However, the reading of P66*, which aligns with the Byzantine, needs to be ... Mengapa Begitu Banyak Versi? by Daniel B. Wallace; 35. The Christian and ...