16 The intentions of the heart belong to a man ,. but the answer of the tongue comes from the Lord . 2 All a person's ways seem right in his own opinion ,.
17 Better is a dry crust of bread where there is quietness. than a house full of feasting with strife . 2 A servant who acts wisely will rule.
4 You who are trying to be declared righteous by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace ! 5 For through the Spirit , by faith ...
Do you desire not to fear authority ? Do good and you will receive its commendation 4 because it is God's servant for your well-being . But be afraid if you do ...
35 The Lord has made a promise to Israel. He promises it as the one who fixed the sun to give light by day. and the moon and stars to give light by night .
19 so is a person who has deceived his neighbor ,. and said , “Was I not only joking ?”.
They have struggled together in the gospel ministry along with me and Clement and my other coworkers , whose names are in the book of life . 4 Rejoice in the ...
51 “Have you understood all these things ?” They replied , “ Yes .” 52 ... The first edition of this book appeared in 1984 from Multnomah Press as part ...
51. 2 Timothy: Perseverance in Difficult Days by Bob Deffinbaugh; 3. Is Moral ... Tindakan Bicara Lebih Keras dari Perkataan by Richard L. Strauss; IV ...
51. 2 Timothy: Perseverance in Difficult Days by Bob Deffinbaugh; Fruit of ... Tindakan Bicara Lebih Keras dari Perkataan by Richard L. Strauss; 3 ...