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... book of the Bible--the Book of Revelation. I encourage you to ask God to ... 58 So then, dear brothers and sisters, be firm. Do not be moved! Always be ...
This statement raises a couple of questions. First, does Jesus believe that the unnegated protasis is true (a prophet is without honor in his own hometown)? ...
7:19-22 These verses describe Israel's gods. 1. money and commerce. 2. gold and silver idols. 3. YHWH's temple and its wealth have become a boast of pride, ...
2. 부분 영감론- 성경은 하나님의 말씀은 포함하고있으나 그것들을 찾기 위해서는 구별( 비신화화) 되어져야 한다. 다른 부분은 완전히 인간이며 오류가 있을 수 있다.
The prologue does all of these. It is a single, powerful sentence which highlights major topics of the book. After reading through it we understand in summary ...
Kecuali dalam bagian-bagian seperti Kej. 49, Ul 32,33, Pentateuch secara keseluruhan merupakan terjemahan yang dekat dari turunan Ibrani yang baik. Mazmur bisa ...
Segera waktu untuk pulang, maka saya memohon dan mengatakan kepada anak-anak bahwa sudah waktunya untuk pergi. “ Baik ayah,” datang jawaban yang cepat. Dan ...
Our mission at bible.org is to furnish trustworthy Bible study resources to build up the body of Christ. The studies and lessons posted on this page were ...
J. Sidlow Baxter, Explore the Book, Vol. 2, p. 269. Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown, A Commentary, Critical, Experimental and Practical on the Old and ...
Pero en Cristo, tenemos a Uno que dice, “Yo Soy el Camino.” De hecho, Cristo hizo la declaración más notable que ningún hombre haya hecho—viniendo de un hombre ...