18 Sadducees ( who say there is no resurrection) also came to him and asked him , 19 “ Teacher , Moses wrote for us: ' If a man's brother dies and leaves a wife ...
10 The proverbs of Solomon : A wise child makes a father rejoice ,. but a foolish child is a grief to his mother . 2 Treasures gained by wickedness do not ...
11 The Lord abhors dishonest scales ,. but an accurate weight is his delight . 2 After pride came , disgrace followed ;. but wisdom came with humility .
28 The Lord 's message came to me: 2 “ Son of man , say to the prince of Tyre , ' This is what the Sovereign Lord says : “'Your heart is proud and you said ...
39 “Are you acquainted with the way. the mountain goats give birth ? Do you watch as the wild deer give birth to their young? 2 Do you count the months they ...
26 At that time this song will be sung in the land of Judah : “We have a strong city ! The Lord's deliverance , like walls and a rampart , makes it secure.
a wasteland where no one lives . 30 The soldiers of Babylonia will stop fighting .
8 With regard to food sacrificed to idols , we know that “we all have knowledge .” Knowledge puffs up , but love builds up . 2 If someone thinks he knows ...
While Jesus was walking in the temple courts , the chief priests , the experts in the law , and the elders came up to him 28 and said , “ By what authority are ...
8 Now we make known to you , brothers and sisters, the grace of God given to the churches of Macedonia , 2 that during a severe ordeal of suffering , their ...